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Life is full circle— when we learn we can teach. When we heal we can change lives. Today we honor Project Pneu- mah ps:// Founder and Execu ve Director, Damion Cooper h ps://instagram. com/damion710?utm_medium=copy_link birthed Project Pneuma in 2014 a er a near death experience of being shot an inch above the heart at point-blank range. He began a healing journey of his own to teach lessons of for- giveness, self-control, discipline and redemp on via men- torship. While mentoring a young man in prison during his years in Seminary, he discovered that his mentee was the assailant who shot him years earlier. The defini on of pneuma is "the vital spirit, soul, or cre- a ve force of a person." Project Pneuma is dedicated to holis c development—mind, body, heart and soul of our sons. The organiza on strives to teach young men the art of forgiveness, self-control and discipline while giving them exposure to a new world of endless possibili es. Project Pneuma offer 8 primary core programs . Social-Emo onal Literacy (SEL) Academic Enrichment/Tutoring Physical Fitness Yoga/Mindfulness Mar al Arts Breathing New Life Training Public Speaking Art Integra on Sylvan Learning Many inner city youth o en don't see beyond what they experience in their communi es. The team at Project Pneuma works hard to ensure their boys have every op- portunity to experience everything that life has to offer. Damion Cooper aimed higher than survival; he sought healing. His mission shows our children deserve to live their best life. Project Pneuma teaches the blueprint for success is self development and support. Mr. Cooper is a Bal more Legacy Icon. Let's stop telling our young Kings what they need and start asking them what they need and want." CEO and founder of Challenge 2 Change youth program is Terry Williams, h ps:// be er known as Uncle T. throughout Bal more city. This devoted husband and father of six children is one of the city's most ac ve and visible ac vists. He's received many awards and recogni on for his community work. His bigger than life persona is driven by his passion to save our children. The Challenge 2 Change youth office is located in East Bal more. Through its street outreach and ministry programs, his team talks with young kings on street corners, playgrounds, their favorite stores… in their neighborhoods and schools. Change begins with real conversa on. Uncle T lost his first son due to gang violence in West Bal more. Rather than ge ng bi er, he allowed it to make him be er. As a result, Uncle-T birthed Challenge 2 Change youth program to deter retaliatory shoo ngs and posi vely impact young men most at risk to commit or become vic ms of violent crime. This program allows young boys to discover their iden ty, purpose, and poten al based around conflict resolu on. His objec ve for Challenge 2 Change is to give back to his community by taking followers, turning them into leaders, and leaders into Agents of Change. Uncle T is asking everyone to do everything we can to raise up a genera on of true providers, protectors, and maintainers. Mr. Williams is a Bal more Legacy Icon. h ps://